Information for
construction companies

Rolling out Austria’s fibre network together

Fibre network roll-out with a strong partner

We plan, build, finance, and operate fibre networks in rural areas as well as regions with poor fibre infrastructure in Austria.

In light of this tremendous challenge, we are looking for construction companies that operate regionally and nationally in order to establish a long-term cooperation based on partnership.

Although we prefer a fixed-price contract for work and services, we are also open for other cooperation opportunities, e.g. in a consortium or at cost.

Please contact us and let us know when you could begin, what services you could provide, and which type of cooperation seems reasonable to you.

We count on the support of strong and reliable partners in order to promote a large-scale roll-out of fibre network in Austria.

Are you interested in a partnership?

Please contact us – we would like to get to know you in person.

Future-proof and sustainable fibre network roll-out in Austria

“We plan, build, finance, and operate fibre networks in rural communities. Our goal is to offer a genuine and open fibre network all across Austria.”
Mag. Hartwig Tauber
Prof. (FH) Mag. Hartwig Tauber CEO öGIG

View all projects

Overview of all current projects of Österreichische Glasfaser-Infrastrukturgesellschaft (“öGIG“)


8 projects See projects


37 projects See projects


5 projects See projects


9 projects See projects


19 projects See projects


3 projects See projects

You have further questions?

Please contact us!
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